Beautiful Blocks

Beautiful Blocks

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Searching for the perfect gift for a little someone under 3 ?

Perhaps it’s a Welcome to the World treat for that long awaited newborn or a gift for an adorable little nephew who will probably never know the joys of scorching metal playgrounds or phones attached to the wall.

Either way, I feel your pain.

With their own instagram pages whilst in utero and baby IPADS at the ready for the journey home from the hospital, it’s hard not to get nostalgic about simple times when, sure we allowed smoking in aircrafts, but we also gifted babies with items that would entertain and educate.

Enter Gold Rabbit and Co, an Australian based business offering a surprisingly chic selection of wooden stacking block sets.

Each block is hand cut and printed using non toxic waterbased materials and feature graphic designs or alphabet letters.

Bundled in a drawstring bag, the sets can also be personliazed. There’s also a range of wooden toy animals and natural teethers.

Sure you don’t have the power for long, but from Year 1 -3 make your choices wisely as come Year 5  those same infants will know what they want and won’t be afraid to text you a link.

Until then, I am committed to getting them things that I would like them to like and doesn’t require re-charging.

All images via Gold Rabbit and Co.